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Chinese Zodiac Symbol - Rooster #10
Year: 2005 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933 1921 1909 1897
Material: Polystone
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The ancient Chinese people developed a sophisticated science of astrology that continues to have a profound influence in China today. Rooted in the fundamentals of Taoism, it evolved into a system vastly different from Western astrology. Rather than determining personality by the time of year in which you were born, Taoist astrology focuses on the year itself to determine one's character. The years form a twelve-year cycle of signs, each named after an animal. Each lunar year is depicted by a characteristic animal trait; your birth year determines your dominant animal sign. The 12 animals that appear on the Chinese Zodiac calendar include rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and boar.
Chinese Zodiac Symbol - Rooster: Those born in You years are firm, fashionable, quick minded, impatient, prefer make up, social and may be helped by some honorable person. They have broad friends and are good in speaking and convincing in debate, and have originality in color sensations. They speak as they think, without keeping any secret. They often challenge the authorities, and are stubborn, prefer luxurious styles, and prefer being praised and praising others at the same time. They are frank and active, brave and interesting, witty with many strategies, concentrated in mind, diligent, enthusiastic and generous. In love affairs, the association and care of lovers should not be neglected even busy in work.