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Chinese Paper Cuts: Chinese Paper Cuts also called Scissor-cuts, it is a kind of folk artwork with rich
local flavor popularizing in numerous people. Chinese Paper cuts was come out during the period of Nanbeichao Dynasty. Colorful paper cut by scissors is often used as decoration and forms various artistic styles because of different purposes, such as for window decoration, basket decoration, present decoration and designs. More Info about Chinese Paper Cuts
Please click on the Chinese Paper Cuts offerings below for more selections including Chinese zodiac paper cuts, dragon paper cuts, dragon & phoenix paper cuts, Chinese opera paper cuts, Chinese good fortune paper cuts, Chinese longevity paper cuts, Chinese happiness paper cuts, framed Chinese paper cuts, Chinese wall scrolls, Chinese paper cuts mounted with silk brocade, Chinese Paper Cuts Bookmarks, Chinese calendars and much more...
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Chinese Paper Cuts > Paper Cut Sets | Single Paper Cuts | Chinese Zodiac Paper Cuts | Framed Chinese Paper Cuts | Chinese Paper Cuts - Wall Scrolls | Chinese Paper Cuts Mounted with Silk Brocade (Ready for Framing) | Chinese Paper Cuts - Bookmarks | Chinese Calendars
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I just received the package yesterday and I wanted to thank your company again for your promptness in getting the paper cut out to me. The wrapping was very nicely done and I wanted to say thank you again for your help in this matter!
Wanda (US customer)