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Chinese Calligraphy custom created for you! The artwork will be a perfect gift for all special occasions. Each calligraphy artwork will be created following the traditional Chinese mounting process to achieve the highest quality.
Customized Chinese Calligraphy - Ready for Framing
Each individual calligraphy will be professionally hand written on rice paper and will be double backed for additional strength and stability.
We will also give you the choice to have the artwork mounted with brocade borders. The artwork will be ready for framing.
Customized Chinese Calligraphy - Scroll
Each individual calligraphy will be professionally hand written on rice paper. It will be double backed and mounted on scroll. The artwork will be hung on the wall directly.
If you would like to order a customized Chinese calligraphy, please send your inquiry to: ArtisticChineseCreations@outlook.com
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* Dear Sirs, I thank you for the excellent product that you created for me. It lives up to my highest expectations! Kind regards, Daniel Hasselmyr (Denmark)
* Based on my experience in dealing with Artistic Chinese Creations, I enthusiasticaly say they are a first class merchant. My emails were responded to in a very timely manner, they were able to help me decide on options for my custom calligraphy, priced reasonably, and the item was shipped very quickly. I will definitely do business with them in the future. Chris B. -Nebraska
* They were very professional and helpful with my custom order. They responded promptly and accuratly to my questions and were kind in explaining there process.
Randall Phillips (Fort Worth, TX )
* I received my order yesterday. I was very happy with the artwork. The scroll looks great on my wall. I'm going to a frame store today to have my other piece framed. I was very pleased with the entire process and I look forward to doing business with you again.
Perry L. Mangum (Horn Lake, MS)