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Chinese Zodiac Seal Stamps
The Chinese Zodiac is a twelve-year cycle with each year represented by an animal. Chinese believes people born in a certain year take on the virtues of the corresponding animal. Each Chinese zodiac seal/stamp is professionally designed and hand carved with your animal on the bottom of the stone. You may dip the stone in a dish of special red ink and stamp your chinese zodiac symbol on greeting cards, letters, books, etc. Perfect as gifts too.
Base Dimension: approx. 1 1/8" x 1 1/8"
Height: approx. 2"
Case: It will be sent to you in an exquisite Chinese style gift box (Free)
Artist: Gu Xin (all 12 zodiac symbols are designed and carved by Mr. Gu Xin)
Rat: 2008 1996 1984 1972 1960 1948 1936 1924 1912 1900
Ox: 2009 1997 1985 1973 1961 1949 1937 1925 1913 1901
Tiger: 2010 1998 1986 1974 1962 1950 1938 1926 1914 1902
Rabbit: 1999 1987 1975 1963 1951 1939 1927 1915 1903 1891
Dragon: 2000 1988 1976 1964 1952 1940 1928 1916 1904 1892
Snake: 2001 1989 1977 1965 1953 1941 1929 1917 1905 1893
Horse: 2002 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 1930 1918 1906 1894
Goat: 2003 1991 1979 1967 1955 1943 1931 1919 1907 1895
Monkey: 2004 1992 1980 1968 1956 1944 1932 1920 1908 1896
Rooster: 2005 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933 1921 1909 1897
Dog: 2006 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946 1934 1922 1910 1898
Boar: 2007 1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 1935 1923 1911 1899
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