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For itself of Chinese painting, it is an extremely difficult art. Present skill of Chinese painting can be exactly summarized with two words "brush and ink". "Brush and ink" in Chinese painting is just the most significant means to form abstract present of Chinese Painting. Two words of "brush and ink" should have three explanations nowadays. The first one is the names of tool materials of Chinese painting (ink-wash painting), which just refers to the brush and the ink. The second one is it is the general name of traditional present skill of Chinese painting (using brush and ink). The third one is it not only refers to accumulated experience and traditional essence, but also includes a variety of present skills developed, enriched and innovated based on traditional skills of using brush and ink. More Info about Chinese Paintings
Please click on the below thumbnails for more Chinese brush Paintings including Chinese flower & bird paintings, Chinese landscape paintings, Chinese fish paintings, Chinese lotus paintings and more...
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